Organic Oils

We have organic and conventional oil production by using cold pressing method in our state-of-the-art machinery park.

As we can do private label work according to the special needs of our customers, we provide our own brands to domestic or foreign companies according to the demand.

Black Cumin Seed Oil

* Strengthens the immune system
* Dry cough and bronchitis are good
* Lowers blood sugar
* It is beneficial for gastritis and ulcer disease. It is seen to be good for asthma patients.
* Prevents cancer cells from developing and spreading throughout the body, slows liver, breast and prostate cancer
* Protects the heart and vascular accesses, prevents stomach diseases
* It is good for joint pain and rheumatism
* Soothes the nerves
* Retrieves fatigue and fatigue
* Heals wounds

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